NOIZ- Wednesdays 3:30-5pm
This group is a weekly gathering for kids in grades 2nd through 5th.
Contact Emmy or the office
if you'd like to enroll your child.
Confirmation Classes
are held on Wednesdays at 4 pm or
Sundays at 10:30 am
Contact Pastor Sarah or the office
if you'd like to enroll your child.
High School Youth
opportunities include canoe trips and week long service trips.
Family Night Meal
is held on Wednesdays at 5:15 pm
prior to worship.
(Soup suppers are held Wednesdays during Lent from
March 12 to April 9 at 5:30 pm)
Caregiver Courage Support Group- 1st and 3rd Wednesday mornings at 9:30 am
Grief Support Group- 2nd and 4th Wednesday mornings 10:00 am
Women's Bible Study- Every Thursday at 10:00 am
Men's Bible Study- Every Saturday at 8:30 am
Tai Chi- Every Monday 9:30 am
Strength and Flexibility (55+)- Every Tuesday and Thursday from 8:30-9:15 am
Cardio Class (55+)- Every Tuesday and Thursday at 9:30 am
(Free Will Offering for Movement Groups)
Sundays: 9am
Wednesdays: 6pm
28005 Old Towne Road
Chisago City, MN, 5501